My name´s Oscar Delgado Hernández and I´m going to be your English Academic Advisor. My main goal is to help you in your independent studies with problem solving, checking and back feeding your activities via online or in the classroom. In this Blog you might find supporting educational materials like: diagnostic exams, tutorial videos, digital books to prepare your exams before you take the final ones. Remember that is mandatory to have an initial interview session in my classroom (5) to guide you through the book, give you feedback about the evaluation criteria and also make a registration in my students list. I wish you success in your English subjects and I hope to help and see you soon. REQUISITOS: Asistir con el asesor en la primera y/o segunda semana del mes. Traer la credencial escolar o alguna identificación con fotografía, para poder presentar el examen presencial. Registrar en el listado del asesor: su nombre completo, matrícula y la forma en que elig